What Does 1.1 Bathrooms Mean

What Does 1.1 Bathrooms Mean

What is 2.1 bath????? archived

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I'm forever reading realtor descriptions of houses that say the house has 2.1 baths, and I can't for the life of me figure out what the heck that means. Is it two full baths and bath with only a sink? Or is it the bath in the basement the usually just has a toilet--is that the .1 bath?

Today I got one of those "Just Listed" mailers (which I also can't figure out--I already own a house in this neighborhood) that says the house has 2.2 baths.

I KNOW what two and a half baths means and, although I completely suck at math, I know that 1/2 is generally described as .5. So, if they are saying the house has two full baths and one half bath, shouldn't it be 2.5?

That's my pet peeve for the day.


It means 2 full and 1 half bath. 2.2 means 2 full and 2 half baths. The . separates the full baths from the half baths. It is not strictly speaking a mathmatical representation.


Posted By: modIt means 2 full and 1 half bath. 2.2 means 2 full and 2 half baths. The . separates the full baths from the half baths. It is not strictly speaking a mathmatical representation.

Thanks for the explanation, but to me it's just silly and confusing and lazy. Just say 2 full and 2 half baths! What's so hard. Perhaps I'm the only one who saw it as mathematical, but I doubt it. If so, I stand corrected.


I agree that its confusing. After that explaination that make sense. I guess when advertising you pay by the word so 2.1 is cheaper than 2 full and 2 half.


I would assume it's to save cost on advertising as spogs mentions. That probably explains all of the other abbreviations they use at times that I can't understand...


Then, if it's about paying by the letter, wouldn't it be more appropriate for it to look something like "2:1 baths?"


In AZ they used to list the bathrooms as either full bath, 3/4 bath (shower only), or 1/2 bath.


I wonder how they would list a residential bathroom with a urinal....like Notehead wanted :shocked:


you can only do #1 in the second bath


That's what I thought it meant, that it only had a sink...

Guys only need a sink, ya know....

#1, then wash and go....


I think around here they list a bath with a shower only as a full bath.

Just think that if you went to look at a house that said 2.0 baths and found out it had one bath and two half baths?


2.1 baths means, in Maplewood real estate parlance, two full bathrooms plus a toilet (only, no sink, no shower, no tub) in the basement. Tons of Maplewood homes have the .1 and in many cases (like ours) it's 1.1. We actually saw homes that had the toilet out in the open in the basement, no enclosure at all! At least ours has a door and a light and a window. It's not great but when ya gotta go.......it's a godsend.


youandtheboys, people might think you've been taking pickiness lessons from me.


It's where most of the Web 2.0 companies are going to end up.


OMG, I saw one of those toilets in the basement when we were looking at houses before we moved in. So bizzare, though my favorite was the one with the tiki bar near it. That was a job for HGTV if I ever saw one!

The proper way to list would probably be 2.5 bath, but why use proper anything when it comes to real estate? Is'nt it more proper to confuse the buyer and make them think they are getting more than they are?

FYI 'a guy' does not even need a toilet for #1, but that is another thread and we don't need to 'go' there.....


Posted By: nakaille2.1 baths means, in Maplewood real estate parlance, two full bathrooms plus a toilet (only, no sink, no shower, no tub) in the basement.

That's not my understanding at all. 2.1 means two full, 1 half bath. Toilets in the basement are not even counted unless there is a sink and it is enclosed as a separate space...then it would be an additional half bath.


Ditto to what mamma said.....


Posted By: mammabear
Posted By: nakaille2.1 baths means, in Maplewood real estate parlance, two full bathrooms plus a toilet (only, no sink, no shower, no tub) in the basement.

That's not my understanding at all. 2.1 means two full, 1 half bath. Toilets in the basement are not even counted unless there is a sink and it is enclosed as a separate space...then it would be an additional half bath.

Mammabear is correct. 1 half bathroom is considered a toilet and a sink. A toilet in the basement would be listed as a water closet if it had walls and no sink. If it had a sink then it is an additional half bath.


I agree with Ms. Bear and Ms. Color on this. When we listed our house I mentioned the basement toilet with a sink no less in an enclosed room and the RE agent just laughed. So we sold a 4.1 instead of a 4.2. LOL

How would they list a house with eleven half baths?


2.5 is two full baths and one half (read toilet plus sink but no shower or tub.) 2.1 is two full baths plus basement toilet, colloquially a WC. 2.5 and 2.1 are really not the same thing, in math or in bathrooms. And Maplewood has a lot of the latter which I can attest to from having viewed 50 homes when we were looking. South Orange has some, too.


We didn't even put our 3/4 basement bath on our listing. I guess because we already had 2.5 baths (or should I say 2.1?) and only 3 bedrooms our RE agent didn't think it was necessary to add. I figured it was a nice surprise to buyers looking at our home. I can say I don't think a bathroom in the basement would increase the value of a home necessarily, but it's one of those things that's nice to have.

My husband loves that sink on top of the commode thingy and totally wants to put one in our basement.


Posted By: nakaille2.5 is two full baths and one half (read toilet plus sink but no shower or tub.) 2.1 is two full baths plus basement toilet, colloquially a WC. 2.5 and 2.1 are really not the same thing, in math or in bathrooms. And Maplewood has a lot of the latter which I can attest to from having viewed 50 homes when we were looking. South Orange has some, too.

Where are you getting this info?? I have a friend with a house currently listed in MW...and I have done many, many loans with local realtors myself. She has 4 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths and she also happens to have a toilet enclosed in the basement but no sink in there. Her house is listed as 4/1.1...and her basement toilet is not even recognized.

If you listed a house with 4/2.5, you would mean 4 bedrooms, 2 full and 5 halfs....


Our basement had toilet, sink and (minimalist) shower, all enclosed and with door, light and window, and the realtor still laughed and didn't list it, just the "1.1" upstairs. Not that anyone ever used the basement facilities voluntarily, but they were very helpful in emergencies and during rehab of the "real" bathroom.


It actually makes sense to have the .1 be shorthand for a half bath. If you had two fulls and three halfs, how would you list if it .5 was correct? 3.5? That, of course, would be incorrect and misleading. 3.3*.5?


All of this is very silly.


I have to go 1.2! Gotta go!


can you even go # 2 in a .1 bathroom?

i always thought it was two ways of saying the same thing (two and a half bath).


Posted By: DiegoI have to go 1.2! Gotta go!



Diego - Was that you on Cody's roof?


Bidets are not addressed at all by the convention being discussed but are instead referred to using Roman numerals. Since most Maplewood homes don't have bidets it doesn't come up often, if ever.

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What Does 1.1 Bathrooms Mean

Source: https://montclair.worldwebs.com/forums/discussion/what-is-2-1-bath


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